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who we are

AADMM Greater New York

Our regular meetings are monthly, on zoom.

AADMM Greater NY is made up of DMM’s from NY, NJ, CT and Eastern Pennsylvania. Our program committee curates professionals who provide educational talks which enrich our practices. The chapter provides an opportunity for members to exchange experiences and share the latest information about the industry.

AADMM’s mission is to:

  • Promote the highest ethical standards of practice in the industry
  • Provide continuing professional development for members
  • Develop a network of dedicated professionals
  • Offer information and resources to the public

In order to become a member of the Greater NY Chapter, you need to join AADMM (National).

For information about the national organization visit
Phone: 877-326-5991
Fax: 814-355-2452
Address: 174 Crestview Drive
Bellefonte, PA 16823-8516